“Having worked with the CHR before, it appears that Chairman (Chito) Gascon has been recently misleading the public with the real mandate of CHR. And because of this, the public is outraged. He has created this confusion, and he should be held accountable.” Atty. Wigberto Tinio told reporters this Friday, September 15, 2017.
“The CHR has been criticizing and investigating human rights abuse cases involving policemen, and this is fine. However, it does not show concern to the victims of robberÿ, murder, massacre, rape, etc. committed by private citizens. Mr. Gascon continues to insist that their mandate does not cover them. This is absolutely not true.” He added.
In various occasions, Chairman Gascon emphasized that if someone becomes a victim of crime, report it to the authorities. But if the crime or abuse was committed by a government official, the victim should go to them. In fact, the CHR even released an infographic about this, and was reported in various mainstream media outlets.
As support for his case vs CHR, Atty. Tinio cited a human rights violation not committed by authorities that the CHR has investigated. “In April 2011, the CHR investigated the case of a 6-year old boy who performed a “macho-'dancing routine" in Willie Revillame’s "Willing Willie." The CHR commissioner then was Etta Rosales.” He explained further.
Paragraph 3 of Article XIII, Section 18 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution clearly states that CHR shall, “provide appropriate legal measures for the protection of human rights of all persons within the Philippines, as well as Filipinos residing abroad…” Atty. Tinio noted that it is in contrast with Gascon’s claim, and what the CHR is doing right now.
Contributed by Salvi Dalida
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